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Capron Park Dental Blog

5 Habits to Avoid When You Have Dental Implants

March 29, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — capronparkteam @ 10:04 pm
Woman biting her nails

One of the best things about living in the 21st century is the fact that missing teeth can be a thing of the past. There are multiple different tooth replacement options out there that can help people to restore their smiles after suffering from tooth loss, including dental implants. They have all sorts of different benefits including being long-lasting. However, they won’t have a very long life if you aren’t caring for them properly. Here are some bad habits that you should avoid if you have dental implants.


Understanding the Details of Dental Insurance for Families

February 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — capronparkteam @ 10:23 pm
reviewing dental insurance in Attleboro

As the head of your family, you’re responsible for maintaining dental insurance in Attleboro. It ensures that your loved ones can receive the vital dental care they need, so it’s important that you’re informed about how it works. As you continue reading, learn what is generally covered and how you can save the most money!


Is COVID Contributing to an Increase in Dental Emergencies?

February 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — capronparkteam @ 10:04 pm
woman experiencing jaw pain and COVID

To say that the COVID pandemic has impacted the entire planet is an understatement. Unfortunately, it has caused more than just a threat to people’s respiratory health. New data suggests a connection between jaw pain and COVID, and an increase in dental emergencies related to cracked teeth and crowns. As you continue reading, learn about the relationship and discover the value of maintaining regular dental visits.


Why More Men Are Turning to Botox

January 20, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — capronparkteam @ 8:03 pm
man considering botox for men in attleboro

When BOTOX and filler injections first hit the market, most of their customers were female. Over time, men also began to see the advantages that they could bring in terms of helping them obtain a youthful appearance and enjoy a better quality of life. In fact, a study done in 2016 found that over 400 thousand men had received BOTOX, and that number has only risen since then. Your Attleboro cosmetic dentist discusses why BOTOX for men is taking the world by storm.


Tooth Sensitivity: When Should You See a Dentist?

December 29, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — capronparkteam @ 6:50 pm
woman cringing from sensitive tooth pain

Tooth sensitivity is an extremely common condition that affects at least 40 million people in the US. Most of the time, it is simply due to thinner tooth enamel that allows the dentin, or inner part of the tooth, to be more easily exposed to extreme temperatures or sucrose. This is typically not a cause for concern, as it is only agitated occasionally. Other times, it is more serious, and Attleboro’s best dentist explains how to know whether or not you should see your dentist about sensitive teeth.


How to Avoid Tooth Sensitivity During the Holidays

December 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — capronparkteam @ 6:46 pm
woman in pain from sensitive teeth

One in eight people struggle with chronic tooth sensitivity. While it is never a fun thing to deal with, it can be especially bothersome during the holiday months. Keep reading to learn what Attleboro’s best dentist has to share about why the holidays can trigger worsening sensitivity and the steps you can take to fight against it.


4 Common Misconceptions About Wisdom Teeth Removal

October 13, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — capronparkteam @ 6:13 pm
Closeup of Attleboro family dentist tools with wisdom tooth

Did you know that roughly five million wisdom teeth are removed in the US every year? However, even though they’re one of the most common extraction procedures, there are still plenty of misconceptions about wisdom teeth removal. Learning more about how these third molars develop and why they’re commonly extracted can help you make the smartest decision for your smile. Read on as your Attleboro family dentist busts four popular misconceptions about wisdom teeth removal.


Why a Good Family Dentist is Worth the Drive

September 18, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — capronparkteam @ 12:07 pm
Family and dentist giving thumbs up

Juggling school schedules, extracurricular activities and playdates along with balancing work and keeping the house clean can make parenthood feel like an extra full-time job. Life’s busy pace can make it difficult to ensure every member of the family visits their dentist every six months for a routine dental exam and cleaning. This is especially true if the kids see one dentist while mom and dad see another. Fortunately, there is a simpler way! Keep reading to discover some of the benefits of finding a family dentist you trust.  


4 Helpful Tips for Understanding Your Dental Insurance

September 1, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — capronparkteam @ 12:36 pm
Dental insurance benefit form on desk

Do you know how your dental insurance works? Unpacking the details of your insurance plan may not sound exciting, but knowing the basics can save you money and help you maintain a healthy smile! From key terms to what types of procedures are covered, here are 4 handy tips to get the most out of your dental insurance.


3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Put Off Regular Dental Cleanings

August 19, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — capronparkteam @ 9:14 pm
young woman smiling at her checkup with her dentist

You’ve been told your whole life that you need to see a dentist twice a year for a teeth cleaning, but you already brush and floss every day. Isn’t that enough? Unfortunately, at-home oral hygiene is only half the battle. To maintain oral health in the long run, you also need to attend a dental checkup and cleaning every six months. If you don’t, then health problems could develop. Here are three things that can happen if you neglect to see your dentist on a regular basis.

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