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Dentist in Attleboro Talks of Advances in Orthodontics

April 19, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — capronparkteam @ 9:14 pm

Your dentist in Attleboro offers Invisalign clear alignersPeople with crooked smiles often hesitate to undergo orthodontic treatment. They dislike the look of traditional braces and worry about the discomforts and lengthy treatment times. Your dentist in Attleboro Dr. Andrew Luccio and Dr. William Herr wish to encourage prospective orthodontic patients that braces are not torturous and ugly. They offer Invisalign clear aligners and Six Month Smiles as examples of innovative braces that do the job quickly, discreetly and efficiently. A complimentary consultation at Capron Park Dental can tell you if one of these systems is right for your smile.


Changes in Orthodontics

Today’s braces have changed significantly over those placed even ten years ago–so much so, in fact, that more and more adults are undergoing orthodontic treatment. Who wouldn’t want a healthier, easier to care for and more attractive set of teeth?

In the past, the patient of non-traditional age frequently felt he or she was just too old to have braces. After all, treatment was uncomfortable, took a long time, imposed dietary and oral hygiene restrictions and just looked unattractive. Wires and brackets were made of stainless steel or ceramic. LIngual, or tongue-side, braces were less obvious but still expensive and very complicated to keep clean.

Today’s treatments, however, are vastly different. While metal bracket and wire braces are standard for very complex orthodontic issues, millions of patients with mild to moderate alignment problems enjoy faster, gentler treatment with less obvious braces.

How is this possible? Modern restorative and cosmetic dentists have discovered ways to construct braces from innovative materials, such as nickel and copper-titanium, that require far less pressure to move teeth into more favorable positions. Brackets and wires are smaller and tooth-colored; some materials even capitalize on the patient’s natural body heat to activate the physical forces needed to reposition teeth.

In fact, some braces don’t look like braces at all. Some systems use clear aligners which resemble professional teeth whitening trays. Employed in pairs, these appliances move teeth in about half the time of traditional metal braces, and they are almost invisible in appearance.

Orthodontics at Capron Park Dental

If you wish to pursue a beautiful, healthy smile, the team at Capron Park Dental would be happy to evaluate your teeth for orthodontic correction. The doctors are experts in both Invisalign clear aligners and Six Month Smiles (with clear Lucid-Lok brackets and tooth-colored wires). Both systems change how smiles look and function.

In a free consultation, Dr. Luccio or Dr. Herr will examine your teeth and gums and take digital X-rays and oral impressions to formulate your perfect treatment plan, Here are the details on Invisalign in Attleboro and on Six Month Smiles.

Invisalign clear aligners Custom-made from biocompatible acrylic, these discreet appliances move teeth in an average of one year. They are removable, making mealtime, oral hygiene routines and even picture taking easy. Additionally, the 18 to 30 pairs of appliances are changed every two weeks, and progress checks at Capron Dental are quick and painless. Invisalign treats overbite, underbite, crossbite, open bite, tooth rotation, tooth tipping, gaps, crowding and more.

Six Month Smiles If you qualify, these clear brackets and tooth-colored wires will reposition your teeth in four to eight months. The appliances work on just the teeth that show when you smile, making them perfect for cosmetic enhancement.

Would You Like to Know More?

Then, schedule an orthodontic consultation at Capron Park Dental. The team will evaluate your smile and outline your treatment options. You can take advantage of all that modern orthodontics has to offer, and you will love the results.

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